Stages of Change

The Stages of Change Model explains an individual’s readiness to change their behavior. It describes the process of behavior change as occurring in stages.

These stages include:

Pre-contemplation: I dont know that my behaviour is responsible for my problem. Therefore, there is no intention of taking action. At this stage people lack insight into their behaviour.
Contemplation: people are aware that a problem exists, they recognise that their behaviour may be the cause of their problem and are seriously thinking about overcoming it but have not yet made a commitment to act.

There are intentions to take action and a plan to do so in the near future.

Preparation: There is intention to take action and some steps have been taken.

Action: People start taking small steps towards change as they now recognise that change in their behaviour could lead to the desired future. Behavior has been changed for a short period of time.

Maintenance: people work to prevent relapse and consolidate the gains attained during action, people have been consistent with the new behaviour for some time and are now mindful of preventing relapse. Behavior has been changed and continues to be maintained for the long-term.

Termination: There is no desire to return to prior negative behaviors.