James Adeyemi

Life Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

Hi, I am James! I have always been highly motivated, result oriented, hardworking, and passionate about adding value to others.

My Story

I have always been highly motivated, result-oriented, hardworking, and passionate about adding value to others.

I took up a leadership role in my organisation in December 2013 in which I was way in over my head, and I knew that If I didn’t rise to the occasion, I would fail miserably. Therefore, in my desperation to find a solution, I found myself at The John Maxwell Team’s International Maxwell Conference (IMC) in August 2017.

At the IMC, I heard most of the speakers telling stories of how they have grown over the years and have become more effective and fulfilled individuals. I kept asking myself what do these guys mean by growth.

Dr John C. Maxwell during one of his sessions at the conference encouraged participants to start their growth journey by studying the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, it was in the book that I discovered that I need to grow in six specific areas of my life ASAP!

In the book Dr John C. Maxwell said:

1. To discover your purpose, you need to grow in self-awareness
2. To become a better human being, you need to grow in character
3. To advance in your career, you need to grow in your skills
4. To be a better spouse or parent, you need to grow in relationships
5. To reach your financial goals, you need to grow in your knowledge about how money works
6. To enrich your soul, you need to grow spiritually

The specifics of growth change from person to person, but the principles are the same for everyone.

I knew straight away that this is the answer I have been searching for, according to Dr John C. Maxwell in the same book, he said, if you focus on goals, you may hit goals but that doesn’t guarantee growth. However, if you focus on growth, you will grow and always hit goals.

This is how I started my personal growth and development journey; I have seen my life transform before my eyes and I am still growing. I want to encourage you not to postpone your growth journey. DO IT NOW!

Let me hold your hand as we grow together, with years of experience as a Coach, Trainer, and Speaker, I have proven communication skills and a natural flair with people – my USP is to encourage people to take responsibility for their personal growth and development.

I have no doubt that this will be one of the greatest decisions of your life.

Are you ready to grow, contact me here!

My Approach

I make use of the Maxwell Method of Speaking, Coaching, and Training to help and support individuals and organisations develop skills for both personal and professional advancement.

For nearly 50 years, John C. Maxwell has studied and applied leadership principles as a leader, mentor, coach, business owner, counsellor, and friend. John not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk. His practical leadership experience and advice are called upon by dignitaries in every level of influence – from the military to educational institutions to executive offices to presidential cabinets all over the world.

Therefore, improve your leadership, speaking, coaching, and selling skills with the Maxwell Method. Are you ready to travel the road to success with a trusted guide?

I can help you achieve your personal and professional goals by facilitating your own customized personal and professional development.

I am ready to guide you systematically through the path of navigating the various challenges and obstacles of moving from where you are to where you want to be thereby allowing you to maximize your potential. 

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!